About us
We are a collective of birth workers, midwives, doula’s, researchers, artists and activists.
A call for critical midwifery studies.
Paper published in Birth Issues in Perinatal Care.
Read it online.
Over the years, we have witnessed a growing evidence basis for a unique midwifery perspective on sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn care, including data confirming the safety of homebirth, the importance of continuity of care and carer, and the value of a noninterventionist approach for facilitating intrapartum care. However, this convincing biomedical and epidemiological research—supporting the value of uninterrupted, physiological birth—has not resulted in clinical change largely, we argue, because of the marginalized position of midwifery globally. We intend to change that.
We envision a Critical Midwifery Studies that uses three principles to guide the development of a theoretical framework for analyzing injustice in SRMN care:
1. Critical Midwifery Studies engages and collaborates with rapidly developing fields within critical theory (examples are intersectional, transnational, and postcolonial feminisms, critical race theory, queer studies, , decolonial and postcolonial theories, and care ethics).2. Critical Midwifery Studies is midwifery-led. “Midwifery” is understood broadly, including all practitioners offering relational and inclusive care from a biopsychosocial perspective throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
3. Critical Midwifery Studies is self-critical. It reflects on the role of midwifery, midwives, and other midwifery practitioners in shaping, causing, maintaining, sustaining, and (re)producing injustice in the content and conduct of research, education, administration, regulation, and practice. -
Critical Midwifery Studies, as we envision it, aims to inspire midwifery thinkers and scholars to develop the theoretical foundations needed to confront systemic injustice in SRMN care. We call on midwives, and other midwifery practitioners, scholars, and theorists to join our effort to achieve just and equitable SRMN care by developing Critical Midwifery Studies as an explicit field of academic inquiry and emancipatory praxis.
Introducing CMS Collective
Our mission
The collective confronts systemic injustice in sexual, reproductive, maternal, and newborn care.
We are a collective of birth workers, midwives, doula’s, researchers, artists and activists who have come together to work on this transgenerational effort. We build on the work that has come before within a culture of critique, yet, without tearing down those who have paved the way. We invite multiple perspectives and voices to contribute to this collaborative endeavor.
Summerschool 2022
Sharing our Knowledge
In the summer of 2022 the collective organized a summer school inviting participants from all over the world to share experiences, and learn from experts of all kinds of backgrounds (medical, non-medical, science, indigenous). Now we want to share this information with you. Start learning, or click here to get a quick visual overview of the contents.