Online School
Humanizing birth
In the summer of 2022 the collective organized a summer school inviting participants from all over the world to share experiences, and learn from experts of all kinds of backgrounds (medical, non-medical, science, indigenous). Now we want to share this information with you. Scroll down to start learning, or click here to get a quick visual overview of the contents.

Fatimah Mohamied is a midwife, mother and muslim woman living in London (United Kingdom)
Dr. Elizabeth Newnham is a is a mother of four, a grandmother of two, and senior lecturer and director of midwifery programs at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Angela Nguku, BScN, MA, MSN, is a passionate maternal, newborn and adolescent health champion whose career spans over 14 years of dedicated work towards ending preventable maternal and newborn deaths globally.
Inge van Nistelrooij is a Professor occupying an endowed chair in Metaphysics and philosophical anthropology.
Rodante van der Waal (she/they, 1992) is an independent midwife in Amsterdam and PhD-candidate in care ethics at the University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Jennie Joseph is a British-trained midwife who fights to ensure every person has their healthiest possible pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience with dignity and support.
Natali Valdez is a medical anthropologist by training and her research lies at the intersections of anthropology, gender studies, science studies, and public health.
Dr Lucia Rocca-Ihenacho studied anthropology in Italy where she also qualified as a midwife and worked in independent practice offering holistic care.
Dána-Ain Davis is Professor of Urban Studies and Anthropology. She is the director of the Center for the Study of Women and Society at the Graduate Center.
Dr Cassandra Yuill is a medical anthropologist specialising in research on maternal health and maternity services in the UK.
Anna Horn is PhD candidate in anthropology at the Centre for Maternal and Child Health Research at City, University of London.
Amrita Banerjee is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Shehnaz Mushi (MPH) is a health policy and systems researcher and activist with a particular interest in feminist, decolonial scholarship and praxis.
Jabulile Mary-Jane Jace Mavuso is a postdoctoral researcher in the Sociology Department, University of Pretoria, and Book Review Editor for Feminism & Psychology.
Lance Louskieter is a health systems and policy researcher with a particular interest in queer and decolonial scholarship.

Part 3: Feminist and Indigenous Perspectives

Image above is a collage using a beautiful photo of Natalie Lennard’s Birth Undisturbed series, with permission.
Ivonne Johanna Orejuela Ramírez is a ancestral cultora, wise woman and midwife, dedicated to the research, practice and safeguarding of Afro cultural traditions, carrying out processes in natural medicine, healing and midwifery.
Héctor Kemble Molina is a midwife graduated from the University of Chile with a degree in sexuality.
Michelle Sadler, PhD in Medical Anthropology. She is an adjunct researcher in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile; and a member of the Medical Anthropology Research Center at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.
Susana Ku Carbonell is a Peruvian and Canadian registered Midwife. She is currently a PhD Candidate in the Global Health department at McMaster University.
Rosalynn Adeline Vega is a medical anthropologist and social epidemiologist. She is associate professor of global health and director of medical humanities at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Maria Jose Sanchez is a teacher and is currently working as a teacher consultant in public schools
Camila Videla Amaro, qualified midwife from the University of Chile, with a diploma degree in sexuality and comprehensive health of adolescents

Priya Sharma is a PhD student at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Dr. Kaveri Mayra is a midwifery, nursing and global health researcher from India with a PhD in Global Health from the University of Southampton, UK, where she explored the experiences and determinants of obstetric violence in India through an arts-based method called ‘birth mapping’.
Amrita Banerjee is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Mars Lord is a life coach, doula educator, birth activist and reproductive justice warrior.
Sabia Wade (she/they), is a Black, Queer, CEO, Investor, Author, Educator, Full Spectrum Doula, and expander of Black Luxury.
Bahareh Goodarzi is a midwife, lecturer at the Midwifery Academy Amsterdam Groningen and a PhD candidate at the department of Midwifery Science at Amsterdam UMC location VUmc.
Madyasa Vijber (she/her) is an independent midwife, working with a small caseload in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Montse Olmos is a Mexican educator with roots in collective care and indigenous liberation.
Sophie Lewis is the author of Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family and Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation.