Susana Ku Carbonell
Susana Ku Carbonell is a Peruvian and Canadian registered Midwife. Prior to register as a midwife in Canada, she obtained her Bachelor's degree in Midwifery in Perú. She holds a Master's degree in Sexual and Reproductive Health and is currently a PhD Candidate in the Global Health department at McMaster University. Susana also works as a clinical preceptor and sessional instructor at the Midwifery Education Program at Metropolitan University of Toronto and McMaster University in Ontario Canada. Susana is a member of the organizing committee for the International Obstetrician/Parterx/Midwife/Matronx Day Virtual Conference. She is currently involved in global health projects, as international midwifery is one of her research interests. In addition, she is a member of the McMaster Midwifery Research Centre. Susana continues her clinical practice in Ontario, Canada.